Founded in 1990, AMHIC is the premier, self-governing insurance company for nonprofit organizations located in Washington, D.C. dedicated to providing member nonprofits with a flexible portfolio of high-quality, cost-effective, and comprehensive benefits programs.

Our Mission

The mission of AMHIC is to provide high quality benefits to employees of small and mid-size mission-based not-for-profit organizations that are dedicated to supporting education, research and/or public service.

Our Vision

The vision of AMHIC is to be the premier, self-governing insurance company for not-for-profit organizations dedicated to providing their employees with a flexible portfolio of high-quality, cost-effective and comprehensive benefits programs.

Our Primary Goals

Provide nonprofit organizations access to affordable employee benefits.

Achieve cost stability through the power of the Consortium.

Offer flexible benefit plan options.

Deliver exemplary customer service.

Our Core Values

  • Program Value
    We are committed to providing employers and their employees with high-quality and valued benefit programs.
  • Choice and Flexibility
    We recognize that “one size does not fit all” and that a benefits portfolio that offers choice and flexibility will best serve employees of participating organizations.
  • Corporate Diversity
    We embrace the diversity of employees of our participating organizations and provide benefits with tolerance for diverse religious, social and cultural values.
  • Trust and Accountability
    We operate AMHIC with fiscal integrity, transparency, and accountability and to achieve cost stability.
  • Customer Service
    We deliver exemplary customer service, responsiveness, and administrative efficiency.
  • Quality Partnerships
    We rely on participating organizations to make an extended commitment to serve the vision and mission of AMHIC and to cooperate in its governance.